Westerners of all stripes are probably looking forward to Friday this week...
This year we have chosen to support a cause very close to home...
Apart from the common refrain these days that young people using emoticons are destroying language and literacy...
Here at One Global, we appreciate and value the work our linguists’ do and recognise how vital they are to our business...
There’s a saying in Arabic: إذا تحدثت إلى رجل بلغة يفهمها، ستصل إلى رأسه. إذا تحدثت إليه بلغته، ستصل إلى قلبه...
Social Media can be an unforgiving wild west of a territory for big brands and businesses...
Today, it has been said, we live in the Age of the Entrepreneur...
Here at One Global, we appreciate and value the work our linguists’ do and recognise how vital they are to our business...
Nigeria is a country of many languages – among the most prominent, Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa, as well as English...
When considering how to market yourself to a global audience, it’s always a good idea to consider the kind of ideas that unite different cultures across the world...
For those who have spent their career in the language industry machine translation is not only the norm, but commonplace...
Understanding the reaction of your target audience to your product or service is basic, step one stuff for any business...
Here at One Global, we appreciate and value the work our linguists’ do and recognise how vital they are to our business...
Streaming video sites like YouTube and Netflix have been one of the shock successes of the internet age...
Market research questionnaires can already be a mine-field, even when they’re composed in a single language: who do you ask?
English is probably the most widely understood language on Earth; even those who don’t speak it recognise one or two words, and vast numbers know enough to get by...