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Our Linguist Of The Month For August

It’s been a while, but we are restarting our Linguist of the Month award to celebrate and highlight the great work that our linguists and partners provide, helping us to service our clients to the highest standard.

This month, the award goes to Irene Perkounigg who has only been working with us for a relatively short period of time but during this time our Project Managers have been blown away by the level of quality and professionalism. Irene is always happy to provide insights and responds very quickly to queries which is vital when working to tight deadlines as we often are. She has also received one of the highest positive feedbacks following our internal QA checks, thanks Irene and look forward to working with you for many years to come!

Speaking on the award Irene had to say: -

"I am also very thankful that we have been able to establish a great relationship within a few months and I very much appreciate your trust from the very beginning. It has been an absolute pleasure working with various of your PMs and I'm really looking forward to continuing our collaboration for hopefully many more years to come. "

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