At One Global, we recognise that being a good corporate citizen is about much more than just philanthropy: it’s about running our business in a way which maximises benefits to society, while minimising the risks and costs.
With thousands of vendors and other professional connections worldwide, that means fair dealing, striving to strengthen personal connections globally, and working towards environmental sustainability.
We do however like to supplement this approach with charitable giving. One Global is committed to donating a proportion of our profits to Childrens' Heart Surgery Fund in 2021/22.
Along with our chosen charity partner, One Global has supported numerous other local charities and education institutions, including John Speak Language Trust (where our Executive Chairman Jim Hart is a committee member). The trust provides grants to students who wish to work and study overseas and improve their language. Each year 20 students benefit from the charity. One Global also supports local schools & Universities through our work experience and internship programmes.
The support we offer to local charities is so important to us, both as a business and as individuals. The whole team get actively involved in our fundraising and supporting our partners, it's such a rewarding programme we have in place.
Paul Green, One Global

Want to know more?
Get in touch if you'd like to hear more about the our work with local the local community and charities.